鹿児島県大隅半島、錦江湾に突き出した岬の突端。120年の歴史を閉じた鹿屋市立菅原小学校。でもこの小学校には今も大勢の卒業生やまちの人たちの想いが宿っています。 2018年夏、菅原小学校は、地域の人々みんなが力をあわせて大隅半島を訪れる人々をおもてなしする体験滞在型宿泊施設「ユクサおおすみ海の学校」としてうまれかわりました。子どもたちのために、子どもだったおとなたちのために。
In 2013, At the tip of a cape sticking out into Osumi ‘s Kinko Bay in Kanoya-ciy, Kagoshima-prefecture, "Sugawara Sho-gakko", an elementary school ended its role after 120 years of public service.
Although the schoolhouse ended its original role, the sentiments of the children, teachers and neighbors remain. These emotions, led to the rebirth of the facility in 2018. The schoolhouse now serves as an accommodation & camping park, dedicated to enjoy and learn from the nature and the locals of Osumi. The former school now serves under a new name, “YUKUSA”, meaning “Welcome !” in the Osumi dialect.
For the children, and for the grown-ups who once were.