鹿児島県鹿屋市KAGOSHIMA ユクサおおすみ海の学校 YUKUSA OHSUMI
- 宿泊棟が分散Dispersed Lodgings
- 温泉Hot Spring
- 眺望がきれいBeautiful View
- 海のまちSeaside Town
- 山のまちMountain Town
- 郊外In the Suburbs
- 都市In the City
- 市場・商店街Market & Shopping Street
- 歴史的街並Historical Townscape
- 文化財級の建物Cultural Property Class
- 一棟貸切Limited to One Group Only
- 体験experience
- 産業遺産Industrial-heritage
- 田園風景Countryside
- 銭湯Sento
- 島island
- 城下町Old castle town
子どもたちのために、子どもだったおとなたちのために。 なつかしい海、なつかしい山、なつかしい空、なつかしい人々。 誰もがこどもに還れる場所。
錦江湾をのぞむ校庭でグラウンドゴルフに講じるお年寄りたちや、体育館で卓球をする子供たち。 「おおすみ食堂・さのぼい」には仕事中の郵便屋さんがランチに訪れ、館内のプロサイクルショップには体育大学の学生や自転車好きがあつまります。 校庭下の真白な砂浜は昼寝にうってつけ、早朝の磯には近所の集落のおじさんが酒の肴を釣りに来ます。
館内併設の「Kagoshima FunRide」では高性能ロードバイクのレンタルのみならず、専属ライドアドバイザーが大隅半島ロングライドをガイドします。
また120年の歴史を持つ県立鹿屋農業高校では農業研究の歴史も古く、周辺の農家は独創的な野菜類の宝庫。 「おおすみ食堂・さのぼい」ではこの豊富な食材の良さを余すところ無く活かした料理の数々を楽しんでいただけます。
Guided by the nature and people of Osumi.
In 2013, At the tip of a cape sticking out into Osumi ‘s Kinko Bay in Kanoya-ciy, Kagoshima-prefecture, “Sugawara Sho-gakko”, an elementary school ended its role after 120 years of public service.
Although the schoolhouse ended its original role, the sentiments of the children, teachers and neighbors remain. These emotions, led to the rebirth of the facility in 2018. The schoolhouse now serves as an accommodation & camping park, dedicated to enjoy and learn from the nature and the locals of Osumi. The former school now serves under a new name, “YUKUSA”, meaning “Welcome !” in the Osumi dialect.
For the children, and for the grown-ups who once were.
Sweet oceans, fondly mountains, longing skies …and dear old people.
A place where one can travel back to its dearly memories.
At YUKUSA, the daily scenes of local people – seniors playing croquet in the schoolyard, children playing ping-pong at the gymnasium – overlap with the visitors. At the “SANOBOI” the in-house dining dedicated to serve the rich crops and livestock of Osumi, a local postman or a group of neighboring locals may drop by for lunch. The professional cycle shop “FUNRIDE” attract enthusiastic cyclers and college athletes.
Adjacent, is a white sandy beach perfect for a nap. The rocky shores at dawn, lures local anglers seeking for a morning’s fresh catch.
Why don’t you join us at YUKUSA, and fulfill the bare yet rich atmosphere of Osumi.
Let us fill you in with some of the details.
Outdoor activities: Guided adventure tours to beginners’ lessons are available for Sea Kayak and SUP. Mountain climbing in the intact wilderness of Mount Takakuma, trekking in the laurel forests, On-shore and Off-shore fishing… are all available within close distance.
Cycling: The roads traversing Osumi, is a cyclists’ dream come true, from Ocean-view pleasure rides to extreme hill climb/downhill training. The professional cycle shop “FUNRIDE” provide top-shelf rentals as well as special menus such as Long-ride tours guided by top-class athletes.
In-house Shops:
“Kiitos” treats you with fresh chocolate, made before your eyes, from roasting of the cacao beans to final molding, in the factory onsite. Needless to say, making the most out of local ingredients.
“Suddo” provides silkscreen workshops and selling of gifts, for creative challenges and collecting memorials.
Dining: “SANOBOI” the in-house dining dedicated to serve the rich crops, livestock and seafood will delight you with throughout your stay.
Osumi is a paradise of nutritious ingredients and Kanoya-City where YUKUSA is located. is highly renowned for its stock-breeding, winning many awards at fairs and exhibition throughout Japan. “KANOYA-KANPACHI”, greater amaberjacks farmed offshore of Kinko-bay, are nationwide renowned for its high-quality and popularity. Kanoya Agricultural High school, with a history of 120 years is known for its long journey and legacy in agricultural research. The local farms are abundant with crops of rare value. The “SANOBOI” is the place where these ingredients are cooked in the upmost and/or traditional ways to make the most of these blessings.
We hope to share with you these relaxed, slow and rich lifestyles, as if your daily life was actually here, guided by the nature and people of Osumi.


- 温泉
- 海のまち
- 市場・商店街
- 歴史的街並
- 一棟貸切
- 体験
- 田園風景
- 城下町
Yanagawa guesthouse HORIWARI FUKUOKA

熊本県 玉名
- 温泉
- 眺望がきれい
- 郊外
- 歴史的街並
- 体験
- 産業遺産
- 田園風景

門司港ゲストハウス ポルト
- 海のまち
- 都市
- 市場・商店街
- 歴史的街並
- 文化財級の建物
- 体験
- 産業遺産
- 銭湯
旅の疲れを癒やし、新たな船出を見届ける、旅人たちの港。港まち門司港に「PORTO(港)」という名の宿ができました。 たくさんの人が行きかい、多様でありながら独自の文化を築いてきた門司港らしく、世界に開かれた宿でありたいと思います。
Mojiko Guest House PortoFUKUOKA

- 眺望がきれい
- 海のまち
- 歴史的街並
- 体験
- 島
鹿児島県本土より西へ沖合約40kmの東シナ海に浮かぶ、甑島列島[こしきしま]。その最北端の上甑島にある人口1,000人の小さな村にFUJIYA HOSTELはあります。

Hostel and Dining “Tanga Table”
- 海のまち
- 都市
- 市場・商店街
- 産業遺産
おせっかいがあふれるまち 九州の玄関口・北九州小倉。様々な人たちが集まるこのまちでは、地元の人たちがよそ(外)から来た人たちを、付き合いの長い友人のようにもてなします。ふらっと立ち寄った立ち飲み屋、バーのカウンターに座ればそれがきっと体験できると思います。
Hostel and Dining TangaTableFUKUOKA