北海道十勝地方 。日高山脈の東方に広がる十勝平野は、自然、天候、食、文化に恵まれた豊かな土地。その中心市街地、JR帯広駅から徒歩3分にあるHOTEL NUPKA(ホテルヌプカ)。周辺は「北の屋台」「六花亭本店」「豚丼のぱんちょう」など食の名店が立ち並び、「街全体がダイニング(食堂)」な食べ歩きの聖地です。
Hotel Nupka, located in a historic and completely renovated building in downtown Obihiro, is a new and affordable way to get the most out of your stay in Hokkaido. The Tokachi district, a plain area at the foot of Hidaka mountains in south-central Hokkaido, is home to the very best the island has to offer wen it comes to climate, nature, cultureal heritage and cuisine. The hotel is just 3 minutes’ walk from JR Obihiro Station, and steps away from the city’s famous “Kita no Yatai” bars and restaurants. Our wish is for guests from around the world to experience the Tokachi we know and love. We strive to be a place where visitors and residents come together for good times.