奈良県紀寺町NARA 奈良町宿 紀寺の家 kidera no ie
- 宿泊棟が分散Dispersed Lodgings
- 温泉Hot Spring
- 眺望がきれいBeautiful View
- 海のまちSeaside Town
- 山のまちMountain Town
- 郊外In the Suburbs
- 都市In the City
- 市場・商店街Market & Shopping Street
- 歴史的街並Historical Townscape
- 文化財級の建物Cultural Property Class
- 一棟貸切Limited to One Group Only
- 体験experience
- 産業遺産Industrial-heritage
- 田園風景Countryside
- 銭湯Sento
- 島island
- 城下町Old castle town
奈良に限らずの話だが、日本の伝統的な木造住宅が凄まじい勢いで潰されている。住人を失った朽ちた建物に明るい未来はないのだろうか? 「町家に住まうように旅する」をテーマに、これからの町家暮らしを体感する事が出来ます。
“Experience actually living in a Machiya”.
We are a guesthouse with a unique, traditional Japanese style, located in Nara. Nara was the capital of Japan 1300 years ago. Todaiji temple, Kasuga shrine, Koufukuji are located in Nara. This is a one of the tourist city in the world. Kidera no ie is located in the Naramachi area, a neighborhood where the residents are local people. There are many Machiya (Japanese traditional houses) in the neighborhood.
However, nowadays in Japan, many traditional houses are demolished contrary to a worldwide trend to renovate and preserve older, architecturally significant structures.Therefore, our belief is to allow people in Japan and worldwide to have an opportunity to experience our highly valued and treasured Japanese culture. The core of our business is an architectural firm for 30 years.
We renovated Kidera no ie, employing contemporary architectural skills. The concept is to: “Experience actually living in a Machiya”. We hope you will enjoy an unforgettable Machiya experience, while surrounded by the beauty of Nara.

古民家の宿 宰嘉庵(さいかあん)
- 海のまち
- 市場・商店街
- 歴史的街並
- 文化財級の建物
- 体験
- 産業遺産
- 田園風景
- 銭湯
- 城下町
In 2012, the 130-year-old Japanese-style house was reborn with the hands of those who care about Maizuru. We hope to open-up the space, which still holds the feeling of a castle town, to as many people as possible.

Sana Inn Town
和歌山県和歌山市 真田堀
- 宿泊棟が分散
- 温泉
- 都市
- 市場・商店街
- 歴史的街並
- 銭湯
- 城下町
「真田堀」は江戸時代に和歌山城の外堀として作られ、その護岸に戦後復興のため行政が長屋を提供し商店街として栄えました。 時を経て個性溢れる飲食店街となり地域の人や旅人で賑わいを取り戻してきています。
If you are looking for somewhere you can experience the modern Japanese nostalgic atmosphere, this is the place you’d want to visit. Located near a canal called “Sanadabori” which was built to act as a moat of the Wakayama Castle in the Edo period, the Motoderamachi Street offers you various dining spots to choose from.